This website aims to keep you up to date with developments in Reuters Pension Fund (RPF) and the pensions industry as a whole.
Below you will find access to key information, links and FAQs.
This website does not provide access to information about your personal RPF benefits. If you have any questions about your benefits please contact the Reuters Pension Administration Team.
Latest Fund documentation and information available:
If you want advice
If you are considering making any changes to your pension at any time you may want to consider taking independent financial advice. If you do not already use a financial adviser, can give you details of an independent financial adviser in your area. Type your post code into the search engine on the website.
The Money Advice Service is an independent organisation set up by the Government and funded by the financial services industry. They offer a free service to help everyone manage their money better. Their website has unbiased money advice, information and tools to help you work out what’s right for you. Visit their website at Money Helper – pensions and retirement or call the pensions helpline on 0800 011 3797 (calls are free).
Visit the Planning for Retirement page for more information.
Deferred members
When can you take your RPF benefits?
If you left active service of RPF (i.e. you no longer work for Thomson Reuters and pay contributions to RPF) before 6 April 2006 you can draw your pension benefits from age 55. If you left active service after 5 April 2006 you may be able to draw your benefits from age 50. Please note that should you retire before your Normal Retirement Age your benefits will be reduced to reflect the earlier (and potentially longer) payment.
What benefits will be available to you on retirement?
You can choose to take a tax free lump sum and a reduced pension or a higher pension and no cash. If you choose to take cash on retirement, this will not affect the benefits payable in the event of your death. Additional options such as an uplift for unmarried members or a higher spouse’s pension on death (by sacrificing part of your own pension) are available. Please ask about these options as soon as you start your retirement process from RPF as they must be chosen before the benefits are put into payment.
Other options
You may be able to transfer your RPF benefits to another pension arrangement before your benefits start to be paid. Complex rules apply to the transfer of benefits in order to protect them from scams so if you are considering this option please contact the Reuters Pension Administration Team for more information.
Retiring early due to serious ill-health
If you are in serious ill-health you may be able to start drawing your benefits early and in some cases you may be allowed to take a higher lump sum, at the discretion of the Trustee. Medical evidence of your health is required. You should contact the Reuters Pension Administration Team for more information about serious ill-health retirement. Please note that if you do not qualify for serious ill-health retirement, even if your health is poor you will not be able to access your RPF benefits before the minimum age that applies to you (as explained above).
Payslips and P60s
- We do not issue payslips automatically each month. You can view your payslip online anytime. You will have received a letter from Isio with instructions for logging in via You can request a new password here.
- You can view your payslip and P60 online. You can log in online by going to You will need your username, password and memorable word. We have previously sent you this login information, but if you no longer have this please contact us and we will resend it. You can request a new password here.
- If for any reason you do still receive a paper payslip this will be sent to you by the 31st of May.