We are pleased to announce the transition of the administration is well underway and the full transfer of the services will take effect from 1 June 2023. Please note that Capita continues to provide the administration services until 1 June, and you should continue to contact them on any matters relating to your benefits using the contact details found here: Contact us – Reuters Pension Fund
In the coming weeks you will receive a welcome letter from Premier providing further details on their service and how to contact them. It will also include details of how to activate your MyPensionTracker account, Premier’s online portal, which will replace Capita’s Hartlink Online. You are encouraged to access the MyPensionTracker and familiarise yourself with the new portal. One important thing to do is to update your Expression of Wishes, which lets the Trustee know your wishes on the settlement of any death benefits that may be due. Although any previously submitted wishes will be transferred to Premier and recorded on your member record, these may not show on your MyPensionTracker – to ensure that this key information remains up to date, please do log on and complete this section.
Also, as part of this transition all historic payslips and P60s will not be available on MyPensionTracker. The Trustee would encourage members to download these whilst access to Hartlink remains until 31 July 2023. The information can be requested from Premier after this date but it will not be in the format you have received previously.
A copy of the recently issued announcement letter can be found here.