Back to news 5 October 2018

Thomson Reuters/Blackstone transaction: final agreement reached for RPF and SPS

The TR/Blackstone deal closed successfully on 1st October and Refinitiv was born. This brought into force the detailed mitigation agreement finalised between the Trustees, TR and Blackstone shortly beforehand. This agreement strengthens both schemes by increasing prudence within their Technical Provisions, an injection of cash, an extended guarantee and certain warranties with respect to our sponsor, Reuters Limited. The agreement also included finalisation of the 31 December 2016 actuarial valuation for each scheme.

Separately the company agreed to an extension to the current agreement covering cost of living increases.

Fuller details including a Q&A leaflet will be sent to members early next week.

The Trustees would like to thank Thomson Reuters, Blackstone and Refinitiv for their engagement and positive approach to discussions since the announcement of the Transaction earlier in the year.